NABU Niederrhein-LogoThe NABU nature conservation station Niederrhein e.V. in Kleve is a non-profit, volunteer-supported Society for Nature Conservation. As one of over 40 biological stations in North Rhine-Westphalia, the focus of the work lies in the management of protected areas, the development and implementation of habitat management plans, monitoring of species, environmental education and the realization of regional and transregional projects.

Conservation measures are based on data acquired over many years of continuous observations. Field inspections conducted throughout the year enable a differentiated control of success. By consulting land owners conservation objectives are implemented successfully.

The NABU nature conservation station communicates its work regularly in the form of meetings with land users and authorities. Its work is presented in press releases, public events and the magazine of the district association. An important information platform for current or detailed information, is the website of the NABU Naturschutzstation Niederrhein (

Currently the NABU conservation station manages five important nature conservation areas in the EU bird protection area ‘Lower Niederrhein” and has experience in coordinating national and international projects.

Partner:NABU Niederrhein
Gefördert durch:life - Natura 2000
Kurt Lange Stiftung
HIT Stiftung
Unterstützer:Holemans Niederrhein

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