"Side channels on the lower Rhine - Space for European River Nature at the waterway"

Save the date - 26.and 27.09.2019, Hotel "Rheinpark" Rees (Lower Rhine)NEW NBV Tagung Bild Website

The species and habitats of the big rivers and their floodplains are under particular pressure in Europe. Creating new space for the riverbound nature of european importance (NATURA 2000) on the lower Rhine - one of the busiest inland waterways in Europe – was challenge and goal of the two LIFE-Nature projects "River and floodplain revitalization Emmericher Ward" and "Side channel Bislich-Vahnum".

Focus of the projects was the construction of side channels. Hereby, various river and floodplain habitats, processes and structures that have been lost due to the river works are now able to re-establish. 

We will discuss the results and experiences of the more than decade-long planning and implementation process in the field of nature protection, floodcontrol and waterway and apply them for the pending further improvement of the conservation status of the large European rivers and alluvial corridors in the NATURA-2000-network. 

Based on reports from the local side channel projects and projects from other river basins such as the National Park Donauauen and the Rhine Delta, we want to debate the state of the practice, the prospects and challenges of this instrument of river and floodplain revitalization and to think ahead in the context of the European nature conservation directives. 

In thematic workshops the central fields of action and aspects (side channels and waterway, morphodynamics and maintenance, ecology - species - habitats) will be discussed. On the excursion, we will explore realized side channels on the lower Rhine and the Rhine arms in the Netherlands. 

Here the announcement as PDF for saving or printing.

Partner:NABU Niederrhein
Gefördert durch:life - Natura 2000
Kurt Lange Stiftung
HIT Stiftung
Unterstützer:Holemans Niederrhein

Copyright © 2025 - Fluss und Aue - Emmericher Ward | LIFE + Natur

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